SMART Table with Heart-23Feb2012

LINDSAY team members working on our Heart model. Around the table from left to right: Scott Novakowski (software developer, Presenter, touch interfaces), Carey Gingras (software developer, Composer, 3D interfaces), Mike Paget (UME eLearning, educational content development and integrative solutions), and Scott Steil (software developer, scripting, content sharing).

LINDSAY software was featured during the Reopening Celebration of the Health Sciences Library in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary on 27 February 2012.

LINDSAY’s Presenter, Heart and Anatomy models are displayed on a touch table from Calgary’s SMART Technologies. The 3D anatomy models in our LINDSAY software are provided by Zygote Media Group., the creators of Zygote Body.

The official announcement on the Health Sciences Library page is here.