A Collaborative Enterprise


Our mission is to build a computer-generated, 3-dimensional virtual human, LINDSAY, to illustrate human anatomy and physiology. LINDSAY is created in 3D, with walkthroughs and other exploratory interfaces. All our models are beautifully rendered to convey the intricate complexity and wonder of the human body — with all its intriguing functionality at various levels of scale. We illustrate our body’s anatomical infrastructures and how biological processes unfold: from systems and organs to tissues and cells down to interactions of proteins on the molecular level.

We are a passionate team of scientists, educators, artists, designers, and researchers from a variety of disciplines. LINDSAY Virtual Human is a collaborative project at the University of Calgary between the Evolutionary & Swarm Design Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science and the Undergraduate Medical Education program in conjunction with the Virtual Medical Education (VME) Unit in the Cumming School of Medicine.

Zygote Media Group is our industrial partner, who is providing the intricately detailed mesh models of the more than 6,000 structures in the human anatomy data set. Together with Zygote we create innovative software to support medical education, teaching and learning about the human body and for health sciences applications.

For a brief overview of our work, please see our LINDSAY Video Trailers.
